Friday, January 14, 2011

Hello My Name Is Puss.

What to do when you are land locked at your home? You get your craft on of course!
Today was another "snow day" for me as all the roads outbound from my house were and are still currently inundated with water. I did attempt to get to work but turned around when the roads got too scary.

So what to craft when you have ALL day open to you? A lovely cat cushions from Pip Lincolne's book "Meek me at Mike's", obviously!. Constructing this beauty took most of the morning but I really underestimated the time it took to stuff the thing. It takes a lot of time. I named her Puss after my real life cat and can't wait to hand the cushion version over to my unsuspecting friend. It is a very, very belated birthday present. Happy Birthday!

xx E
PS. Ill post some outfit pics later tonight. I have so much time to blog. AWESOME!


  1. Thanks : ) I checked out your blog, I really like that pay it forward idea

    xx E
