Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Leopard Print Procrastination.

Hello! It has been a while since my last post and I'd love to say that I've been too busy with important overseas engagements and front row escapades but to be honest I had fallen into the university black hole and have only just found my way back. I have been filling my time with university play and more play and not much work. So basically over the last couple of days I have been locked in my house trying to do assignments and will be doing so till the end of the week. Yay to me! Tip to future millionaires out there develop a cure for procrastination, it is deadly and needs a cure!

I felt like experimenting today and why not be creative whilst procrastinating about your accounting assignment! During my day I have painted a canvas for my friends birthday (hope she likes it!), cleaned the house for mum (this is a novelty for me because I don't do it often!), harassed the cat and made a crazy ass outfit as featured above. All in all a very productive day, I'll just have to my accounting later.....after tea.....maybe tomorrow.

My outfit from the ground up features some black target pumps, a thrifted maxi shirt (looks like a doily) and floral T, a leopard print shirt that I cut the sleeves off, my Mums gold belt, Diva pearl necklace and Sportsgirl leather gloves.

Get amongst the crazy side of life. Enjoy creating.

xx E  

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sweater Heaven

Equip tights, Target black basic singlet dress, Thrifted black singlet and sweater, vintage fur bag and RMK platforms.

When I first bought this amazing sweater, the old lady behind the counter questioned me as to whether I was actually buying it for myself. After I confirmed that yes I was buying it for me and that I thought is was cool, she again questioned my judgement. Hello! I didn't think charity shops would be trying to convince a willing customer OUT of a sale! Once out of the shop I smiled to myself whilst thinking silly old lady this sweater is going to keep me warm all winter and how dare you question my taste!

Remember DON'T take shit fashion advice from NO ONE! Even if it is a silly old lady trying to save you from a fashion failure. Make up your own style!

xx E

Monday, April 11, 2011

DIY Purple Denim.

What to do on Saturday afternoon but to cut up some old denim threads whilst dreaming of finer weather. For this project I used an old pair of Cotton On jeans which I picked up for $10 on sale ages back. 
The method:
Basically I tried on the jeans, drew where I wanted the hole to be, took off the jeans (obviously!), cut between the lines, next I got out a grater and de-stressed the edges to rough em up a bit and added some safety pins and studs. EASY! Under 30 minutes of DIY magic. Please do try this at home!

To complement my newly re-invented jeans I wore my WindsorSmith wedges (a definite season must have), a thrifted patterned blouse and a vintage swede jacket.

If you are getting tired of your old daggy jeans, re invent them! If you're wanting to add studs buy a cheap studded belt and take off the studs using a knife (thats what I do). I still haven't perfected the perfect de-stressed fraying but I will get there one day, one pair of jeans at a time!

Enjoy getting your craft on!

xx E 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday Night What To Do.

Wearing: Windsor Smith wedges, DIY denim threads, thrifted blouse, variety of rings and MAC lipstick.

As I am sitting here I am pondering the many ideas of what I could do to entertain myself for this evening. On one hand there is karaoke at a near by pub and on the other is to stay home and work my assignments. Hmm it is going to be a tough decision. Or maybe I could just sit back with a block of chocolate and watch Inception as everyone has been talking about it.  Ah! Too many options! Some more likely than others!!

Tomorrow I'm off to Geelong to play netball against the res kids at the Geelong campus of Deakin. Hopefully I WONT be raining! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

May you weekend turn out slendid!

xx E